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If, heaven forbid, power were to be transferred to Beijing Biden and the wicked powerful behind him, it means the power of the American military and law enforcement would be transferred to the hands of the enemy. The enemy behind the mummy.

That can not happen. We will try to the end, using the courts and legislatures and protests. And perhaps we will succeed.

But the “traitors” have damaged the courts, damaged the Democrat legislatures, damaged free speech, and we may not succeed.

In that case, when we have done all we can, using our beautiful system, which has been damaged by the Democrats... then next, we Take Our Country Back. There is no choice.

Videos on what awaits (confiscation of guns by tyrannical Democrats for example) if we move to inaction, and how we can react effectively with in the law, are found in short films of the conservative film production company, Kraken-American Film Studios on its website.

As Ulysses S Grant said: “There are but two parties now. Traitors and Patriots.” Know ourselves, know the enemy. In one thousand battles, one thousand victories. **** Dr Joel S Holmes is an engineer working in hydropower and cyber security. His powerful book, Stampede... The Republican Giant Awakens reads like a thriller but it's true. It provides what we need to win. Large size book at regular paperback prices. Looks great on coffee tables and the contents are amazing. On Amazon in paperback and Ebook:

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