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(Nazi troops round up Jewish civilians in Warsaw, Poland)

Essentially at this point in the war of Democrats against America and it's people, we are looking down the barrel of a Democrat gun. Think that is overstating it? Think again. There are in recent history three steps in the destruction of freedom and they involve what Democrats call “gun control”. 1. Pump up hatred in a small minority of the population, against the peaceful majority. In our present time, against we the Deplorables, MAGA Republicans, anyone who does not support the tyranical radical agenda of the Left.

2. Disarm the peaceful majority 3. Shoot them Stalin in Russia, Hitler in Germany, Cuba, Maduro in Venezuela... all the same pattern. It never varies. And in America today, with the Democrats are in the role of the diabolical tyrants.

Make no mistake about it, there is a target on our backs!

GERMANY 1933 In Germany 1933, the National Socialist NAZI Party assumed power as a minority by force. One of the first things they did, was to confiscate guns. The new Nazi government knew who had guns in Germany, including many Jews, because in 1931, the democratic Weimar Republic had established a gun registry.

The registry was established as a means to protect citizens against a Nazi Party violent uprising. The intent of the gun registry was confirming who among Nazi groups were gun owners. The security services of the Weimar Republic had discovered secret plans by the Nazi party to overthrow the government, confiscate guns, and withhold food and services from Jews. The gun registry was a means to prevent that. It failed.

In face, the registry backfired, and when in 1933 the minority party NAZIs did take power by force, they had a list of every Jew and every other possible resistance group members, of everyone that had guns. After taking power, after their inauguration, the Nazi gun control policy was simple and effective: any citizen owning a gun that did not turn it in to the authorities within 24 hours was executed. And the gun registry worked effectively to determine who conformed and who would be execute. IF HEAVEN FORBID, BIDEN SHOULD BECOME PRESIDENT, WE CAN EXPECT THAT ONE OF THE FIRST STEPS TO DISARM AMERICANS, WILL BE A NATIONAL GUN REGISTRY That may be the first step, as actual gun confiscation could cause a violent resistance. Once it is known who owns guns (by means of the registry) and what type of guns they are... then, step-by-step, the Second Amendment and along with it the right to self-preservation and ability to fight back against government tyranny, will be destroyed. Certain categories of guns will be outlawed totally within a few months, such as AR-15s and similar weapons. Then other type guns will be confiscated, until there is nothing left. Except for guns in the hands of the tyrannical Democrat Party and their thugs. COMPARISON OF DEMOCRATS TO NAZIS IS EXACT AND CORRECT

Just see this “cartoon” run by the Washington Post on December 18th. It depicts Trump supporters as rats. The exact same imagery used by Nazi media against Jews in the 1930s.

The objective is to dehumanize us, so the violent forces of the left can kill us without conscience. It's not unusual in modern history. Now it's come to us.

REALIZING WHAT AWAITS US... WHAT CAN BE DONE? Basically any step related to gun confiscation has to be treated as if it were the full and complete confiscation of guns.

Let the first effort to establish a gun registry and the actual gun confiscation by Democrats, be the last. ZERO TOLERANCE OF ANY VIOLATION OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT... IT SHOULD BE TREATED AS AN ACT OF WAR.

BECAUSE IT IS. Thus, after we have exhausted all the standard procedures... the courts, the state legislatures, congress... all of which have been corrupted to death by the Democrats...

at that point when all of the traditional avenues are exhausted, we take our country back. To restore law, order, justice.

(Note: no American citizens in this post are being accused of having committed a crime. In the United States, based on our wonderful Constitution, citizens are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in a court of law.) ***************

Dr Joel S Holmes is an engineer working in hydropower and cuber security.

His recent book, was the first to show clearly that the pandemic virus is a biological weapon. And the reported role that Dr Anthony Fauci played in its development and spread. Thrilling reading on Amazon. Every American needs to have this information, knowledge is power. Banned by social media for several weeks, now available because it is true: CHINA PANDEMIC VIRUS: SIMPLE NON-MEDICAL STEPS FOR FAMILIES AND COUNTRIES TO DEFEAT IT

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